Neighborhood Hawk


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Oct 26, 2018
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New Hampshire
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I've been waiting a few days to try and catch him/her. The background was a really bright overcast sky and he came out a bit underexposed. I need to learn to do better.
Neighborhood Hawk by Peter Martin, on Flickr
Worth the wait.
Still a decent shot I think and at least you captured it, that's half the battle. I've been practicing with my exp. compensation wheel lately, too. I've found it takes time to get it just right. Hopefully, with time and experience I can snap to the right setting.

Good shot.....

Worth the wait.
Thank you, everyone.

Still a decent shot I think and at least you captured it, that's half the battle. I've been practicing with my exp. compensation wheel lately, too. I've found it takes time to get it just right. Hopefully, with time and experience I can snap to the right setting.
Exp. comp. wheel? My next camera is going to have to have one of those!

Good shot.....

Worth the wait.
Thank you, everyone.

Still a decent shot I think and at least you captured it, that's half the battle. I've been practicing with my exp. compensation wheel lately, too. I've found it takes time to get it just right. Hopefully, with time and experience I can snap to the right setting.
Exp. comp. wheel? My next camera is going to have to have one of those!

Sorry, I said that wrong, I just meant exp. compensation. My top wheel I have set up to change the shutter speed and the bottom wheel to change the aper.

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