new and learning please C&C


TPF Noob!
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
davenport, Iowa
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
$8-7-11 014 (800x539).webp
$7-16-11 001 (800x680).webp
$7-16-11 005 (800x603).webp
$7-8-11 083 (800x533).webp
$5-30-11 013 (800x361).webp
Thank you!
#1 is nice and in #4, you cropped the petal on the left side - not the best thing to do. The rest are just snapshots and do nothing for me. If you are just starting out, then you should probably do some reading about composition - Advanced Composition -- Part I - would be a reasonable place to start. This is the first of a three part web-based series, the other parts can be found in links at the bottom of the page - Part 1 ---> Part 2 ---> Part 3. As well, there is some useful stuff here - Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials . HTH.
I especially like the girl in the fog.............. I like the colors of the sunset/sunrise, but the horizon line starts at the halfway point, dips down some, and comes back up, almost to halfway point again. Think about the "rule of thirds". If you're not familiar with the term, see this: Rule of thirds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and then see these good examples: It will help you a lot in the future. If this shot was a crop, you can probably do a different crop on it, and make it a real nice picture.

The first picture is nice too, but I would have cropped it closer to the dragonfly. I think something that small needs to fill the frame, so you see more detail in the wings and body of the insect, instead of the grass around it. The rule of thirds comes into play here too. :) For just starting out, you're not doing too bad.
Thank you for all the tips and links also comments =)

The girl in the fog is a favorite to many of my friends glad someone with a good eye liked it too.
My husband saw a beautiful private field and we went to shoot some photos of my daughter and it was perfect for
few good shots.

as for the dragon fly I don't have a lens smaller then a 75mm so I didn't want to loose the quailty cropping closer, working on getting one.

I don't normally do nature or sky photos so I thought it would be great to share the ones I have so I can learn how to take these better.

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