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TPF Noob!
Aug 25, 2009
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Hey everyone! Obviously I'm a bit new around here. Hope to get to know you guys and my way around. Here are a few photos I was hoping to recieve some critiques on. All are pretty random as they are some of my favorite shots as opposed to a certain shoot. I'm fairly new to photography and use my digital camera for photos; Canon Powershot SD1100 IS. So here it is:




Not the best quality I know. Some of them became pixelated through transfer from comp to comp.
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i really like the 2nd one. 3rd one is close, but it seems a bit out of focus.
Hello, I like the concept in these pictures. They look a little soft to me. I suspect the aperture used was wide and resulted in a shallow depth of field on 3 and 4 and maybe 2. There are also some signs of hand holding.
My suggestion would be to reduce the aperture and using a tripod (in case one was not used).
Good captures and concept.

I like #2 and #3.... they seem to speak to me..
I like all of these.

1. I might cop it down into the brick border in back to get rid of that bit of distraction beyond the bricks, but I like the color of the leaves and how the sunlight shines through them

2. The focus is a bit soft, but I think it works for this shot. Nice composition.

3. Again the focus seems soft, but works with this shot. Again, nice composition. Those river rocks work nicely in this shot and the second shot as well.

4. This one isn't doing a lot for me becasue of the focus and composition. Its a busy type of shot because of the type of flower. I'd suggest cropping it on the right and a bit off the top so the main and largest set of flowers fills the frame.
Thanks everyone! I agree with what you are saying. I am tripod-less at the moment but am working on that. I also have some work to do with the focus as well. Hoping to get some nice shots this weekend, as we have changed things up a bit around our house. (source of most of my shots)
1. This just doesn't seem to do it for me. But other people seem to like it. I guess I don't find anything interesting in it :\

2. Now this I like! I'm into these kinda photo's though. Its simple but nice :)

3. I like this too, I think the rocks and flowers are a nice combination. I always like how its focused on the white flower and how the pink flowers help the white flower stand out.

4. Its nice but theres something about it thats bothering me, I just can't work out what it is though :\

Sorry but I have no advice on what to do seen as I too am new to this. But 2+3 are deffomy favourite of your photo's :) Thanks for sharing them

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