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TPF Noob!
Dec 10, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
hey yall, i joined here because i didnt want to go to a huge forum with a bunch of people who are full of more than opinions, like POP photo. anyways i'm a high school student wanting to be a better photographer, i have been in photography for 8 years or so and participate in the 4h fair every year. i like b&w film the most, i feel film gives it to you straight forward, digital is a bit more editing and not as appealing to me ( NO OFFENSE) im just not good a photoshop :) ne ways i hope to learn a lot from yall.
i do have a question, since i started my photo class in HS we develop our own film, i always have gotten clean crisp pics from CVS or walgreens but now on my own the photos come out a little grainy, i havent changed speed (400) or anything idk what it is, do you ?? any help would be much aprecciated!!
Can you examine the negatives? Are they over/under exposed? Are the negatives grainy? Out of date film?

For B&W, I'll request development only from the local lab and make prints myself.
Welcome. We mostly don't care about how you get the images, just the end result. There are plenty of people here who still work with film and do their own processing - some examples would be useful though, so we can see what you're getting.
I have examined my negatives and there is no specific graininess, could it be my camera or the lenses? please help me out here
since i started my photo class in HS we develop our own film, i always have gotten clean crisp pics from CVS or walgreens but now on my own the photos come out a little grainy,

Chemicals/Developing process/time/temperature differences could be the culprit.

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