New Member Intro (Michigan)


TPF Noob!
Jun 18, 2023
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I joined this forum because I bought a Nikon CoolPix P1000 two days ago and I hoped to find others who use this camera effectively. I’d like to see pictures others have taken and then discuss how the final photo was achieved and what, if any, processing was done on the RAW image.

As a newbie, the first day I couldn’t take a pic at all. After more reading and learning the jargon on that first day, on my second day I actually managed to take a dozen pictures that I wanted to keep. I would love to capture an awesome shot of the moon or other planets/star/ISS, etc. and will use a tripod then for sure, but so far I’ve only shot animals, birds, and plants. I always look for natural things to use to help steady my hand like trees, fences, posts, etc. and I look forward to learning more tips, especially how they pertain to this camera. I am also interested in the macro photography but I haven’t begun to explore that on this camera yet.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s pictures and reading old posts. Maybe I can figure out how to open a gallery and put my pics in there to share.
Hello and welcome to TPF. It sounds like you are having fun with your new camera. I look forward to seeing some of your photos.
Welcome to TPF! We're glad you decided to join us. :)

Be sure to check out our Nikon forum, there may be some useful threads in there for you. Also - spend some time looking at the Photo Galleries. You'll see so many inspiring images. And we'd love to see your own work, too! It's a great way to get feedback on your work, or ask questions.

Keep posting and have fun!
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.

This avatar here in my profile was my first “keeper” taken with my new camera. I’m lucky enough to have a lot of pretty things to shoot right outside my front door, and I posted all of the pics I took yesterday to Shutterfly and you can see them here:

I also picked up a book called Photographer’s Guide To The Nikon CoolPix P1000 by Alexander S. White and this book should help me get the most from my new camera. I’ve begun to read it today is because my camera‘s battery is charging.
Welcome and enjoy the forum.
Welcome. Think I would do in your shoes is play with it for awhile and simply figure out how to take good photo's and learn as much as you can about the camera. I've been using Nikon's for a lot of years and something I learned is they really are no better or worse than any other camera. But they do work somewhat different and user's tend to get used to what they use! My impression with your post is you want to learn all you can before you even get to know your camera very well, learn your camera! I doubt you'll get any great shot's of different stars maybe not even what you seem to be thinking of of the moon. problem being I doubt anyone makes a camera lens for a dslr that can do it. Lot of good lense's out there but not many Hubble's! So you might not get what your looking for in astrology but lot's of other things to shoot. I don't shoot raw. My camera might but I tried it one time and couldn't even get a picture on my computer. My problem is probably what all is possible doesn't really interest me but what I like does and I go for what I like. Shoot I don't even care to shoot people portraits! Love a dog though!

This picture may need things done to it to satify many other's but the way it is satify's me so I'm good to go. I think there's picture's of dogs and then there's picture's of dogs. Keep in mind, the camera won't do that for you, it simply makes the means avaliable! If you like this photo great. If you don't I don't really care, I love it! Guess what I'm saying is make yourself happy first!


Street photo's don't really interest me. I'm pretty much a loaner and tend to avoid people. But old homesteads do interest me and I search them out. You do it enough and your gonna find one or two things within the scope of your camera and your gonna finds yourself searching out those photo's, wheather street photo's of other's. None are the right thing to look for and none are the wrong thing to look for. The right thing to look for is what appeals to you. great hobby photography, enoy it!
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Hi Don Fischer, thanks for your post. The day I bought my camera is the day I also bought a book for my camera. It has helped me learn my camera very, very well. I also know that the P1000 (my camera) is not the best for sports/action photography, but it is great for getting shots of things that are far away. Like this moon shots I took recently.

I do read online to learn about what makes a photo “great”. How to “see things” like a photographer is something I am very interested in learning more about. Seeing the beauty in normal everyday things. I do think I have a natural knack for photography, to some degree. I would love to tag along with a photographer for a day, capturing photos together and learning and discussing. I guess photography is mostly a solo type of hobby though.

I do plan to do some star trails and I do have a tripod for that, but I think my long lens is going to need additional support. I also want to learn about layering dozens of photos on top of each other to obtain a sharper image, or even to create some “fantasy” type of photos… day.

My main joy is photographing the natural world, mostly animals.


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Hi Don Fischer, thanks for your post. The day I bought my camera is the day I also bought a book for my camera. It has helped me learn my camera very, very well. I also know that the P1000 (my camera) is not the best for sports/action photography, but it is great for getting shots of things that are far away. Like this moon shots I took recently.

I do read online to learn about what makes a photo “great”. How to “see things” like a photographer is something I am very interested in learning more about. Seeing the beauty in normal everyday things. I do think I have a natural knack for photography, to some degree. I would love to tag along with a photographer for a day, capturing photos together and learning and discussing. I guess photography is mostly a solo type of hobby though.

I do plan to do some star trails and I do have a tripod for that, but I think my long lens is going to need additional support. I also want to learn about layering dozens of photos on top of each other to obtain a sharper image, or even to create some “fantasy” type of photos… day.

My main joy is photographing the natural world, mostly animals.
You have some really nice photo's there!

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