New Summer Pictures of My Little Girl


TPF Noob!
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Independence, MO
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
She is growing like a weed and it scares me LOL... I swear she is 7 going on 17...




I think #2 is my favorite. What a pretty little thing I do have to say! For my own preference I could go for a tad bit of vignetting just to draw the eye that much more in. Nice work!
Very pretty girl. I love number 2
what lighting did you use for these? i really like it. you are still able to capture the natural light but she pops out from the background.
Your daughter is beautiful! You didn't ask for cc so ignore the next bit if you wish...

You have a lot of limb chopping going on in these. Elbows and fingers mostly. #1 has a bit of a cyan cast and #3 and #4 are quite cool compared to #2. Try to process so that her skin keeps the same tone. The tilts are a bit much for me. Mostly because the majority tilt. Your focus is awesome! The comp is pretty much all the same on these. I would encourage you to branch out a little more.

You obviously have skill with your camera technically. I think if you put some more time into learning comp and pp color your images will truly shine. Especially with such a pretty model to work on!
what lighting did you use for these? i really like it. you are still able to capture the natural light but she pops out from the background.

I absolutely LOVE natural light so I always shoot in the shade on a sunny day or wait for a nice overcast day then I use a reflector to bounce some light back onto her face to reduce shadow and add some catchlights to her eyes. There are 2 sides to the reflector, silver, and gold. I prefer the gold side as it gives a warmer glow to the photos IMO. I NEVER NEVER use a flash. This is just personal preference, I just don't like the harshness my flash creates. If I had a nice flash and KNEW HOW TO USE IT lol... I am sure my opinion would change, but for now my lighting setup is the sun and a gold reflector. :)
her smile is golden than ur reflectors...yes reduce tilt..sometimes it looks fine....u dont't try photoshop....remove the small cast in second. thanks for sharing.
Great exposure and lighting and everything, but on 1 and 3 I dont feel like the tilt works out, and you cut off half her hand. But the other ones look good.
thanks for all of the comments guys :) I hope to get some good ones over holiday weekend. Happy Independence Day!:peacesign:
Nice shots!

Best of luck when she becomes a teenager! Some cosmic influence will turn you into a complete idiot, and she will know everything!

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