New to photograpphy


TPF Noob!
Nov 6, 2010
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Australia Queensland
Can others edit my Photos
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I would like some comments on my photos please, I have just bought my first dslr, and am still discovering how to use it. Where I live I am lucky to be surrounded by tropical rainforest, with the beach only an hour away and bushland to the west, only an hour away. There is so much to capture, having worked out how to mount my camera onthe tripod, now I intend to take it out with me, any tips on juggling two cameras and a tripod would be appreciated.:D:D
Theres some pretty nice camera bags out there that will hold multiple lenses and usually a tripod. Most of them are around the $50 range I believe.

If you meant to post some of your photos, their not showing up. Otherwise, we would love to see some and will give you critique on how you improve.
Welcome to the forum!
Two over the shoulder bags where the bag weight falls right on the side of the hip. (adjust strap length) Carry the pod. Recycled nylon lunch bags work well. Alternately one bag on a belt and one over the shoulder works well for ducking and dodging obstructions in a forest.

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