Newb Question..


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2010
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Alright I feel like this is a really dumb questions but would you use umbrella lights/softboxes/reflectors for a light tent (along with the original lights on the sides of it.)?
I don't think you would need umbrellas or soft boxes when you are shooting inside a light tent. If you need to soften the light you can move it further away (on the outside of the light tent). Your goal is to soften the light and the tent should do the job.
Alright I feel like this is a really dumb questions but would you use umbrella lights/softboxes/reflectors for a light tent (along with the original lights on the sides of it.)?

Not a dumb question at all.

First, try out yourself (if you have umbrellas and soft boxes at hand...)

Probably you don't have them right now but I can tell you that if you used a softbox outside the light tent you will get more diffused light.

That's the reason why there is already a layer of diffusion material inside the soft box, plus the outside diffusing material (to achieve a better diffusion). Now if you send the light also through the walls of the light tent, it gets even more diffused/softer.

It just depends on what effect you prefer.

The light gets harsher when you move it further away from the camera (plus you need more flash power) because the size of the light source gets smaller. Then you will get higher contrast.

Move in close with your light and the soft box towards the tent. You will need less flash power and get more diffused light.
Alright thank you very much.

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