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TPF Noob!
Mar 13, 2009
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Winter Park, Florida
Can others edit my Photos
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Hey all. My names Kevin, and I'm a pre-vet student at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL.

I recently just started working with tigers as volunteer work, and as a result I've fallen in love with photography.

I have a Yashica TL Electro X 35mm and a Nikon D80 on the way from eBay.

In the mean time, heres my first set of 35mm photos gathered from the tiger place.

The white one's name is Saber, he's a 14 month old male, and he should get to be about 800 lbs ( hes 280lbs now).

The orange one is Janda, a ~6 year old female.

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There are edited versions of most pictures where I have adjusted the size, brightness and contrast of the photos. Originals are included.
Hello Kevin, and welcome to TPF. What an amazing job that sounds like you've landed! Great photo ops, I'm sure. Unfortunately, I can't access the website you linked to, but hopefully you'll post some pics here on the forum

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