

TPF Noob!
Feb 13, 2012
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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi I'm a newbie when it comes to photography, and would really like some feedback. I got a canon 600d for Christmas and I'm reading through manuals, Watching utube and reading
Books trying to learn to take better shots and improve. The photos below we're taken on my holiday to the whitsundays in Australia. Please feel free to give me any pointers and let me know where I went wrong.

Thank you



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Read up on the rule of thirds. Virtually every shot has the horizon line right in the middle. Also if you are goign to show a hard horizon line it needs to be perfectly straight across the frame. The last two are leaning to the left.
I would strongly suggest that you take Scott's suggestion about learning, understanding, and following the 1/3's rule. As for your sunsets, all but the 1st is way under exposed as literally half of each picture is almost completely black. Only the 1st picture has any detail in the foreground, and it's under exposed as well. PP editing would really help you bring that image up to standards.
Thanks so much guys I def understand what your saying about the rule of thirds and will read about about it. I can also see now that the last 2 photos tilt to the left which I didn't see before so thanks heaps for pointing that out. When a photo does appear to dark is there a certain setting I should change first? I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out what should be changed when certain things happen. Thanks so much I never knew there were so many things to know about photography. I'm attending a 4 hr photography workshop next week so hopefully things become more clear then. Thanks again
When a photo does appear to dark is there a certain setting I should change first? I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out what should be changed when certain things happen.

I'm a noob too. go into the Beginner's Forum, and check out the tutorials thread. There is a TON of great info, and most of it is written in a way for a photo illiterate like me to understand. Basic Exposure Settings is a good one. Also, another titled; Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO....there are many, many more beside these. Good luck!

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