Newborn with clubbed feet, help!


TPF Noob!
Jun 22, 2016
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Im pretty knew to newborn photography, been on a one to one course for a studio session learning the key angles and lighting etc.
I'm about to do a newborn with clubbed feet,
Just looking for some advice, of positions for baby and what to avoid?

Any help would be greatful
personally? I would avoid photographing newborns.
move up to subjects that can follow commands.

what do the parents want?
do they WANT you to avoid showing the babies feet in the pictures?
if yes, then shoot some from the front, and use a blanket to cover part of the baby for the rest. swaddle even.
if no, then just google-fu some newborn poses and go at it.

I did an engagement shoot where the bride-to-be was in a wheelchair, but didn't want the wheelchair visible in the pictures.
makes things more difficult....but if you cant handle the more difficult scenario, dont take the job. it will only end in tears and angry clients. you wont like them when they are angry.
I agree...definitely communicate with the parents. The clubbed feet will likely be put in casts and eventually the child will outgrow them (depending, of course, on severity...this is just in general) so the parents may view it as a temporary issue like a pimple. I always edit out pimples, because most clients want that, so I think it would be completely appropriate to swaddle the baby or cover up the feet.

On the other hand, it might be something they want to remember, in which case they may want to prominently display the legs. It depends on their personality.

Be careful if you do swaddle. You don't want to swaddle too tightly, because it can cause damage. There are plenty of tutorials online that discuss the right and wrong ways to do this. It's always perfectly acceptable to just drape the blanket over the baby as well.

Make sure the air is warm enough, and bring a space heater if necessary. I'd also download a white noise app to play, because that can be very soothing and drown out the sound of the camera.

If you've taken a class, I'm going to assume they've drilled into you the dangers of certain positions. If not, please research it before going. Newborns are incredibly delicate. Many newborn photos are composites.

Good luck! There's nothing I love more than a brand-new baby. :)

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