Nice Light

I hear ya, although I'm not good at Black and White conversions so I'm pretty nervous about it. I have all the Kubota actions, so I'll just have to play around with it. Wish me luck!
And the no formal thing was SUCH a relief! God, I hate them. Hatehatehate. I was sooooo glad she hates them too. She was an absolute dream to work with. She wanted "arty", so we will see if I was able to pull it off. It was fun though, because I got to experiment a bit. I'm working on the wedding photos now, so I'll post some in a few days. I think this one turned out to be one of the better one, and I'm so excited about it.
Thanks so much you guys. I LuVs ya!
Gorgeous shot!! Its amazing how goood photos come out UNStaged and UNplanned... Please share the B&W when done :)

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