Night Photography tryout


TPF Noob!
Jul 20, 2011
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Not my first, but I want comments for this (there are more photos, but I want to see if I'm on a right way):



The first one has potential but your in a horrible spot. You needed to be on the next hill where you could see the city. Here you just get a black hole for a hill on the right that take up to much of the frame. Second photo I dont really like. Just seems like it is very under exposed and not much was going on there anyway.
Some of the best "night shots" I've seen were taken before it's totally dark while there's still some light left in the sky. You don't need much, but you need some.
On the first one, the stars move due to the longer shutter speed, but just a little, making it look smudged ...

I would think you could have timed it (time of day + shutter speed) in such a way that you either get more attractive star trails, or none at all ... but I am no expert :)
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For me, the first shot is completely ruined by the electric pole. The shot had potential and that pp'd unnatural blue sky looks interesting, but I don't understand the point of the ugly electric pole in the shot.

Second shot doesn't work at all for me, I don't get what you're trying to "tell" with that shot.

Sorry, you said to be harsh.

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