Nightclub photography settings: using D5200


TPF Noob!
Feb 2, 2016
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I have a brand new dslr Nikon 5200. I want to get into nightclub photography. I'd like to know some of the ideal settings for such photography. Any other suggestions and advice would also be appreciated.
There are no ideal settings.
Everything is going to depend on the lighting,and whether you're using flash or not.
I have a brand new dslr Nikon 5200. I want to get into nightclub photography. I'd like to know some of the ideal settings for such photography. Any other suggestions and advice would also be appreciated.
Assuming you cant use flash then first you want a prime lens.
D5200 is an excellent camera but like all crop sensor cameras is a little limited in its low light performance so you can start with the Nikon 50mm 1.8G
To that you can add the Nikon 85mm 1.8G for closer and tighter shots if you have the money.

I shot almost a whole night in such environment with my Nikon 50mm 1.8G
I shot at f1.8 and got away with 1/60 (in most cases)
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I have a brand new dslr Nikon 5200. I want to get into nightclub photography. I'd like to know some of the ideal settings for such photography. Any other suggestions and advice would also be appreciated.
We would not know what settings because we don't know the circumstances. Usually nightclubs have very low light, so you should obtain a lens with a wide maximum aperture of at least f/2.8 or f/1.8.
For no flash I've use my fastest lens (hopefully VR) and aperture priority with the auto ISO (minimum shutter 1/4) on. Shoot RAW w/exposure lock and focus lock off. Focus area dynamic. Meter center weighted. White balance custom if possible.

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