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nikkon lense on canon body


TPF Noob!
Nov 12, 2007
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Montgomery County, MD
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Considering on starting to buy some new glass for my set, and I'm trying to decide what to buy..

I've recently been reading up on some info about using nikkon lenses on canon bodies with a converter, and I have a few questions...

I would prefer people who have actual experience when it comes to this..But i guess any info is useful.

1) Is there much of a trade off? I've read a few people say that they read there wasn't, but I was wondering if anybody had actual comparisons of shots on the canon/nikkon body.

2)How do nikkon lenses compare to Canon lenses? Is it worth the trouble of losing auto-focus, and the extra money to buy the converter?
#2 - Comes up often in threads.... impossible to have a definite answer and BOTH are equally capable depending on the particular lens you are choosing. In general... it is not worth the trouble. If you really want Nikon glass, get a Nikon body.

you might want to post why you are looking for new glass and what you intend on doing with them. Certainly there is Canon glass out there that can improve on what you already have (50 and 28-135 are good lenses).
There's a few problems. Firstly of which may be some things break. Not physically but for instance the Nikon D200 metres a scene differently when set to matrix metering when it doesn't get distance information from the lens. So unless these adapters actually convert all the lens data too, much of which is undocumented may I add, there may be downsides.

The only other thing I could think of is being at the mercy of the adapter quality. If a lens is to be placed further from the sensor it needs an additional lens to re-focus it or you loose the infinity focus point. This could mean there's little point in putting a 70-200mm f/2.8 L series canon lens on a Nikon body if the quality drops.

Each company has nearly every equivalent lens of the other, and if not the Sigma or other aftermarket lenses are designed for the bodies they go on, so it also begs the question of why.

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