Hello guys,
I am about to buy my first DSLR and I've narrowed my choices down to the Nikon D3200 and Canon 600D. I really hope you can help me out here a little.
So, as I understand, the 600D has an articulating LCD, which should be particularly great for shooting videos, whereas the D3200 doesn't. This is supposed to set the 600D above the D3200 for video shooting. But I also couldn't help notice that the D3200 has autofocus when shooting video, while the 600D lacks this feature; isn't this something you would really want to have when shooting video? At least I, as an amateur, imagine that. Not that I currently have any major intentions to shoot loads of videos, but you never know. So my first question is: is the lack of the autofocus feature for video mode a big disadvantage?
On the other hand, the higher LCD resoultion of the 600D probably isn't that much of an advantage over the D3200, right?
How important is the autofocus-points difference between the two (a score of 9 for 600D and a score of 11 for D3200)?
Another important point is: is the native and true resolution difference between the two cameras significant enough for a user like me to notice? I've heard that such differences are only important when you want the actual picture to be pretty large as well, not only the file.
Can anyone tell how do other camera-features between the two models compare? Of course, especiall those that affect the image quality, I am not that picky about the extra 65g weight of the 600D. Overall, I got the feeling that the image quality of the D3200 should be better (I do not know too much about those things, tough...), but I don't know whether the difference is that big.
I've read two comparisons: Canon T3i (600D) vs Nikon D3200 - HDSLR Camera Comparison and Specifications - Canon Rebel T3i vs Nikon D3200 . Judging by the first one I'd decide for the Canon, yet looking only at the second one I'd take the Nikon (I just get the feeling that the photos are probably better - please advise!). What struggled me most between those two reviews, though, is that the first one clearly favoured the colours of the 600D, while the second one favoured D3200's colours.
I hope I didn't put on too much information! I really hope you can help me decide, I would really appreciate that. (as you can probably see) I am open to debate, so if you could possibly need more info to help me decide, please ask.
I am about to buy my first DSLR and I've narrowed my choices down to the Nikon D3200 and Canon 600D. I really hope you can help me out here a little.
So, as I understand, the 600D has an articulating LCD, which should be particularly great for shooting videos, whereas the D3200 doesn't. This is supposed to set the 600D above the D3200 for video shooting. But I also couldn't help notice that the D3200 has autofocus when shooting video, while the 600D lacks this feature; isn't this something you would really want to have when shooting video? At least I, as an amateur, imagine that. Not that I currently have any major intentions to shoot loads of videos, but you never know. So my first question is: is the lack of the autofocus feature for video mode a big disadvantage?
On the other hand, the higher LCD resoultion of the 600D probably isn't that much of an advantage over the D3200, right?
How important is the autofocus-points difference between the two (a score of 9 for 600D and a score of 11 for D3200)?
Another important point is: is the native and true resolution difference between the two cameras significant enough for a user like me to notice? I've heard that such differences are only important when you want the actual picture to be pretty large as well, not only the file.
Can anyone tell how do other camera-features between the two models compare? Of course, especiall those that affect the image quality, I am not that picky about the extra 65g weight of the 600D. Overall, I got the feeling that the image quality of the D3200 should be better (I do not know too much about those things, tough...), but I don't know whether the difference is that big.
I've read two comparisons: Canon T3i (600D) vs Nikon D3200 - HDSLR Camera Comparison and Specifications - Canon Rebel T3i vs Nikon D3200 . Judging by the first one I'd decide for the Canon, yet looking only at the second one I'd take the Nikon (I just get the feeling that the photos are probably better - please advise!). What struggled me most between those two reviews, though, is that the first one clearly favoured the colours of the 600D, while the second one favoured D3200's colours.
I hope I didn't put on too much information! I really hope you can help me decide, I would really appreciate that. (as you can probably see) I am open to debate, so if you could possibly need more info to help me decide, please ask.