Nikon d3400 remote shutter help??


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Jan 7, 2017
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I want to shoot timelapses with my d3400 but i can't find any remote shutter releases that are compatible with this camera. any advice on finding one that will work?

Any remote shutter device that is compatible with the d3x00, d5x00, d7x00, d6x0 series of cameras should work as they use the same connector.

You may want to post links of ones you like that meet that criteria.
I was unaware the d3400 didn't have a regular port
use an intervalometer for the sony a7 series. They have a micro usb connector and will work on the d3400 as well.
thank you so much!!!

Wondering if anyone can confirm with first hand experience if an intervalometer designed for a Sony A7 actually works on the Nikon D3400?

I actually emailed Vello about their shutter boss unit for the Sony A7 and they didn't deny it would work but said they cannot guarantee it functioning 100% as they haven't tested for it.

I've been searching high and low for a wired solution for my new D3400 but am struggling with this USB port...

Wondering if anyone can confirm with first hand experience if an intervalometer designed for a Sony A7 actually works on the Nikon D3400?

I actually emailed Vello about their shutter boss unit for the Sony A7 and they didn't deny it would work but said they cannot guarantee it functioning 100% as they haven't tested for it.

I've been searching high and low for a wired solution for my new D3400 but am struggling with this USB port...
EDIT: OOPS .. read post below .. apparently the D3400 dropped the USB port ?!?! making it even more of an entry level camera.
Vello makes one for the Nikon D3400.

Why not get that directly ?
WIRED : Vello Shutterboss Version II Timer Remote Switch for Nikon with DC2 Connection - Nikon: Df, D90, D600, D610, D3100, D3200, D3300, D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, D7000 and D7100; CoolPix P7800 : Camera And Camcorder Remote Controls : Electronics

WIRELESS : Vello Wireless ShutterBoss II Remote Switch with Digital Timer for Select Nikon Cameras : Electronics

I have an older Vello wireless unit that I use all the time. Compatible with all D6x0/750 and lower camera bodies that use the same USB type port. Higher level cameras use a round connector.
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actually, looking at the above thread apparently the Nikon D3400 does NOT have a port for that

Connection Ports on the Nikon D3400 - dummies
  • Wireless remote control: Although the D3400 doesn’t work with a wired remote shutter-release cable, you can use the Nikon ML-L3 wireless remote. The camera has a single sensor for picking up the remote signal; the sensor is on the front of the camera, as shown on the right sid

So maybe the Sony version is the only one that works other than the ML-L3 Infrared Remote.
Yep, I have the ML-L3 ordered but just would prefer a legit interval timer to do longer sessions of timed exposures.

I would just buy the Vello unit for Sony cameras but I can't find a place that won't charge me a restocking fee if I have to return it...

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