Nikon D5000 Case


TPF Noob!
Nov 28, 2010
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Greenville, SC
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Alright, so this may seem like a weird request, but I need some type of case that will keep a Nikon D5000 and a 18mm - 55mm safe while in a backpack with a free space of about 4.5-5" depth, 12" wide, and 16-17" tall. I don't need a "bag" to hold the camera, I just need something thats either hard, or has a pretty decent amount of padding to keep it safe from getting crushed in such a small area.

Probably the best thing would be something that holds the body and lens separate. I was looking at this, but I think it would be too big with the lens attached, plus I'm not sure how much protection this would really offer: 25398 Nikon CF-DC2 Semi-Soft Case for D5000 Digital SLR with Lenses up to 18-135mm Zoom

Any suggestions? It's just I'll be needing to carry the camera place to place in this backpack often, and I need something to keep it protected.
I was also looking at something like this, which just might work. It seems to offer the amount of protection I would need, the only thing is it is exactly 5" deep, and it would be just a little tight in my backpack. Tamrac - Model 3330 Aero Zoom 30

This one is a bit smaller, 4 3/4" deep, do you think it could hold the D5000?: Tamrac - Model 3325 Aero Zoom 25

How about this one, would it be better to just keep the body in this case and find something else to hold the lens? Tamrac - Model 3320 Aero Zoom 20

What do you all think would be best? Do you have any suggestions for a different type of case?

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