I am sorry, are you asking to compare a camera that came out last year with a camera that came out at 2010, that's a gazillion year ago in tech years.
I used to own the Nikon D7000, very nice camera but that was so long ago and things moved since then.
If you want to make this right then compare the Canon T6S (760D) to Nikon D7200 which is Nikon's current D7xxx camera.
So if I was comparing the Nikon D7200 vs the Canon 760D I would go with the Nikon, it has better auto focus system, better sensor, 2 SD card slots. potentially can produce sharper images due to the lack of AA filter, slightly better low light performance, better dynamic range more features.
If for some weird reason the only 2 cameras I could choose from were the old and obsolete Nikon D7000 vs the Canon 760D then I would choose the Canon, just a much more modern camera.
Just to add to add the Canon 760D is a very good camera so while I do think the Nikon D7200 is better I still think the Canon 760D is a very good camera.