Nikon D810 CF Card Question...


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Sep 17, 2019
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Springfield, Illinois
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Hi Folks,

I just bought a Nikon D810 camera a couple of weeks ago. It uses an SD card and a CF card. I have never heard of a CF card until now. If I should happen to want to download pictures from the CF card, can anyone recommend an adapter or CF card reader, so that I can download pictures to a computer? There is an SD card reader built into my computer. But not a CF card reader. I am open to suggestions.

Thank you,

Hi Folks,

I just bought a Nikon D810 camera a couple of weeks ago. It uses an SD card and a CF card. I have never heard of a CF card until now. If I should happen to want to download pictures from the CF card, can anyone recommend an adapter or CF card reader, so that I can download pictures to a computer? There is an SD card reader built into my computer. But not a CF card reader. I am open to suggestions.

Thank you,

Any digital camera I've bought came with a USB cable, so I've never had use for a card reader. Never had a cable or card fail, but sure have heard of a lot of problems ensuing from constantly plugging in and unplugging cards and readers. Stick with name brands - one shouldn't be any worse than the other.
Ditto, I use the USB cable, and even the best-known brands of CF have issues with being compatible with Nikon. I'd get a Nikon branded CF card to be safe.

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