Nikon D90

connor wood

TPF Noob!
Nov 17, 2018
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I have a Nikon D90 new to all this
Photography stuff dont get me wr-
Ong, i am absolutely obing it.
So basically what I am saying is i
Need help to adjust the exposure
So i can edit my pictures to be darker or lighter so please CAN someone help or guide me to takin tooknď
Without editing software and knowledge on how to at least make basic corrections and then export RAW files to JPEG or something he could view, shooting in RAW would be a big mistake in my opinion since the images would be useless.
Find a class at your local community center or camera shop.
I find for stating off, it is best in a class, where you have an instructor right there, to ask questions to.
Sounds harsh but is said a lot and helps - RTFM.. Read the ****** Manual

I don't mean this is a harsh way, but it really helps to understand your camera. However, it is much more important that you understand the basics of photography, the exposure triangle, light etc. so to speak, Learn how ISO/Shutter Speed/Aperture impact the light, this is ultimately what you need, the correct amount of light hitting the sensor for the correct amount of time to expose the image in the way you want. But after that, or as well as that, RTFM ;)

As @ac12 suggests, find a class, and if not an option, research research research, ask questions, share results and be willing to accept advice.

Good Luck and Happy shooting...

Oh! And I would shoot RAW anyway, there are many free software programs available for processing, and this is also something that helps you understand the overall process of trying to create what you imagined when you lifted the camera to your eye and hit the shutter.. but, to each their own..
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