Nikon flashing highlights


TPF Noob!
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Nottinghamshire, uk
Can others edit my Photos
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Hiya guys,

On my Nikon D3000 when I view the images on playback, if there is something quite bright, i.e pvc window sill or snow for example.
They flash black, with highlights writen at the bottom of the display.

Any ideas ????
depending how you have the viewer set the flashing indicates blown highlights.
press up on your toggle dial, or stop blowing out highlights.

In your menu you have three choices for display mode, highlights, RGB histogram and Data I believe. You have highlights checked probably. This isn't a bad thing.
Hiya guys,

On my Nikon D3000 when I view the images on playback, if there is something quite bright, i.e pvc window sill or snow for example.
They flash black, with highlights writen at the bottom of the display.

Any ideas ????
Also called the 'blinkies'.
RTFM - page 118
Hiya guys,

On my Nikon D3000 when I view the images on playback, if there is something quite bright, i.e pvc window sill or snow for example.
They flash black, with highlights writen at the bottom of the display.

Any ideas ????
Also called the 'blinkies'.
RTFM - page 118

Lol I may be abbreviate illiterate but I knew what RTFM meant.

My preference is to have the 'Blinkies' display as my default as opposed to the histogram. It tells me immediately if an intregal part of the image has lost details. Quick adjustment in the exposure (aperture, SS or flash) to correct.

Lol I may be abbreviate illiterate but I knew what RTFM meant.
In your menu you have three choices for display mode, highlights, RGB histogram and Data I believe. You have highlights checked probably. This isn't a bad thing.

Cheers thankyou,

I see what you mean about the 3 different option, sorry I only had it a couple of days and started to panic , I broke it haha

Thanks for the info :thumbup:

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