Nikon sb800 question


TPF Noob!
Feb 6, 2008
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Ok, I'm trying to use my Nikon SB-800 with my SB-R200.
I can't seem to get them to work together and I was told they would. i've looked around on the web for the answer and I got one i thought worked( ) but it didn't do the trick. Help please!
Also I'm using a d70 if that changes any thing
What is specifically happening?

I have both the SB-800 and the SB-R200 and they work fine together with my D80. You mention the D70, but the only difference I'm aware of is that the D70 can't use it's on unit flash (the one built into camera) as a commander whereas the D80 can. However, that's irrelevant since I'm assuming you're using the 800 on-camera as the commander. You do need to go into the 800 menu and place it in commander mode (I don't have in front of me, but it's menu you get to by holding the 4-way select button in). Make sure both are set to same channel. Also, you control the 200 using the menu on your SB800.

That article seemed to be right on with how to use the 800 as the commander and just replacing the SB-R200 as the slave unit.
Wow. i feel stupid... I had the wrong channel on. Sorry for everything.
But the built in flash on the D70 works as a commander...
Good to know re the D70. By the way, enjoy that SB800/SB-R200 combination - you can get really creative with those units and the 800 is excellent!

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