Noobish lens related question...


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Oct 29, 2009
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Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada.
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Is there a fairly fast (2.8 or less) prime, Canon (Sigma or Tamron will work too) lens that has a focal length of 100mm or so. (10-20mm difference is ok)... That is in the "Nifty Fifty" price range?

I've searched around... But haven't seen anything...
Save up and get the 85mm f/1.8... I've heard it's a nice lens. Not too much more expensive than the 50 f/1.4
Save up and get the 85mm f/1.8... I've heard it's a nice lens. Not too much more expensive than the 50 f/1.4

I will consider that for sure... I just dumped a big pile of cash to help pay for some decent lights and a BG stand...

Patience is not my strong point... But, I guess I'll need to wait a bit longer.
Short answer - no.
Longer answer - you might (and I stress might since even these can be expensive when quality) have luck with older film era glass, but you're going to have problems such as needing an adaptor to mount the lens - possible aperture control problems and a total lack of auto focus.

Simple put you'll have to save up. Far as I know you've got a canon 100mm f2 lens on the market - a series of macro f2.8 lenses including canon 100mm macro; sigma 105mm macro.
I have just bought an old, manual , nikon 100/2.8, plus adapter to mount on Canon :)
You might look for the old version of the 100mm 2.8 macro... it doens't have USM. I bet if you could find a used one, it'd be in the price range of the 50mm 1.4.... not which "nifty-fifty" you're referring to.
Guys - nifty fifty is the 50mm f1.8 lens - ie the good image quality really cheap one not the 50mm f1.4
Guys - nifty fifty is the 50mm f1.8 lens - ie the good image quality really cheap one not the 50mm f1.4

Totally aware of that. But I'm not aware of any ~100mm focal length lenses that are $90 dollars. I cited the 50 1.4 just as a price similarity.
The Nikon 105mm f/2.5 is perhaps **the** niftiest, most-compact, best-focusing 100 to 135mm lens ever has an almost perfect manual focusing action...just a super adapts pretty well to a Canon d-slr...the pre-Ai era models from the late 1960's are the lowest cost, while the variants made in the mid-1970's to the late 1990's cost more, but are a bit more 'modern' in their design. The later Ai-S version had the lightest touch focusing helicoid, and a built-in,sliding lens shade, and the Ai-S variant is an absolute dream of a lens, even when used as a manual focusing lens.

The 100mm f/2.8 Series E Nikon (not a Nikkor, but a 'Nikon') lens is lower-cost, plastic, and pretty cheap by would probably be the lowest-cost 100mm f/12.8 lens from a name brand that could be found. The so-called "pre-Ai" 105mm f/2.5 lens models are not of a lot of use on modern Nikon cameras, but they WILL fit on Canons with adapters, and will mount and work, and those can be had for around $100 or so with careful shopping.
The 100mm f/2.8 Series E Nikon (not a Nikkor, but a 'Nikon') lens is lower-cost, plastic, and pretty cheap by would probably be the lowest-cost 100mm f/12.8 lens from a name brand that could be found. The so-called "pre-Ai" 105mm f/2.5 lens models are not of a lot of use on modern Nikon cameras, but they WILL fit on Canons with adapters, and will mount and work, and those can be had for around $100 or so with careful shopping.

unfortunately the european market for old lenses is somewhat mad (too many collectors), so that here you might find the 105/2.5 at 200$ or more, while 100/2.8 is about half that price (and it is also a fancy focal length, so that other similar lenses go up with prices). Anyway, its cheap plastic construction appears very robust in comparison to modern objectives :) .

(cell phone picture)
There is a 100mm f/3.5 lens made by Cosina. You can also find it with different brand such as Vivitar, Promaster, Phoenix etc. Some people on the net also called it Plastic Fantastic.

I do not think they make them anymore since I have not seen a new one for awhile. But it popped up in the used market occasionally.

Here are few lens reference to that lens.

Cosina 100 F3.5 macro lens review -

Vivitar Lens: Primes - Vivitar 100mm f/3.5 AF Macro -!

The Flickr pool
Flickr: The Cosina 100mm f/3.5 Macro Pool

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