Nostalgia: steam train

gk fotografie

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Jun 13, 2015
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On June 2 it was 97°F and that's really hot for The Netherlands, regardless of which month of the year! We'd already booked tickets weeks before for a trip with an old steam train, which is really back to my childhood when I'd a huge train track at home with several Marklin trains and Faller houses etc. I didn't take many photos, but I really enjoyed all the old trains we saw that day.

Due to the enormous harsh light during this train ride that started around noon in Utrecht NL, I tried to photograph as much as possible on the shadow side of all objects, but that didn't always work!
I'm absolutely not technical, but fascinated by something like steam trains. If you are standing next to such a train, with those huge wheels, you'll only feel how small you actually are. We're going to try it again at the end of the summer, hopefully better conditions for photos, then.
Enclosed a small selection, I've not been able to do much more yet, not enough time in recent days...


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Nice pics! My grandpa worked on the C&O Railroad for 30 years and he used to take me to work with him, he inspected the tracks. I got to see a lot compared to most kids so I fell in love with trains. Love the old steam locomotives the best! Any more train pics?
Very nice - do you have any other images? 'Whole locomotive' shots?

Thanks, yes, I've a few of them, but actually I find photographing all kinds of 'details' much more fun, I went to the Dutch Railway Museum last week so maybe I'll combine a number of different train types to show on the forum soon.

Great set.
The fisheye shot is very cool.

Thank you, it's a fisheye with 190° angle, afterwards I regularly recognize the points of my own shoes in a photo!

Nice pics! My grandpa worked on the C&O Railroad for 30 years and he used to take me to work with him, he inspected the tracks. I got to see a lot compared to most kids so I fell in love with trains. Love the old steam locomotives the best! Any more train pics?

I'll gather some photos in the coming period, but I'm perhaps the opposite of an avid train photographer!
Great Set! I too love the fisheye shot.
Where's Casey Jones?
Incorrect, he's at the throttle of the Canonball Express (could have coffee there I supposeo_O).

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