Not enough time....


TPF Noob!
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I'm new to this site, as of June 20. I'm getting ready to turn 34 in September (or as I prefer, 24 with 10 yrs experience). I don't have enough time to play on here, or to do all the other things I want to do. My "day" job, is a 911 dispatcher for my local Sheriff's Office, but I don't work days, I work nights from 7-7. I've taken pictures for the s.o., of the K-9 units, honor guard and bike units. When I have time, I love taking pictures. I've done 2 weddings, one in all b&w, the other in both color and b&w. I'm much better taking candid shots though. The whole posing thing eludes me. My youngest daughter has to be my best subject. She is full of drama, and comes up with her own poses, most of the time completely unintentionally. She is 7 and my oldest, who avoids the camera at all costs will be 15 in August. I love this forum, and hope to be spending a lot of time here learning all kinds of things from all of you experienced and amateur photographers. If nothing else, photography is a stress reliever. It's a nice break from all the b.s. I deal with at work.
Welcome MsRaber. June 20th is a great day :) I turned 1/4 century that day.

Hope to see some of your work and maybe a story or 2 from work :D

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