Nudes for C&C (NSFW)

Was this shot with natural light?
Nice setup. I dig it. It doesn't have the flash of "OMG WIRELESS LIGHTING!!!11!!!" nude shots, but it's not garish either.

In #2 (heh. . .#2) I'd like that little bit of skin in the upper left corner to go away so it looks more seamless, but thats a nitpick.

#1 I think I would like a little bit more definition; but as an ambiguous shot, it still works. I don't have to guess as to what I'm looking at, just what pose our model is in.
I like it, especially under the Circumstances.
If I had to chose, I'd take #1; it took me a while to understand the position, but once the mystery was solved I really loved the drama the body position was conveying. The limited light makes the piece even more interesting in my opinion.

Number 2 is much less dramatic or mysterious, but I dig it too. I fully agree with ANDS! about the upper left corner.

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