Oh Whiskey If You Were A Woman


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Mar 29, 2016
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"I'd fight you and I'd win, Lord knows I would. Oh whiskey if you were a woman, I'd drive you from his tangled mind for good". Highway 101 -

We bought our little side of the mountain, 15 years ago. For a long time after, when I'd tell some of the older locals where the property was, they'd wink and say - Yup used to be a lot of shine up that way. Over the years, I've walked the woods both mine and surrounding neighbors many times. Other than a couple of old wagon trails, I've never found anything. The other day my elderly neighbor met me on the property line to locate some flags for timber cutting. He just happened to mention that one of the property markers was up near the old still. Today I went for a walk with camera following his directions, just as he said - there it was. With the ax marks still visible from where the "revenuers" destroyed it so many years ago. Supposedly there's another not far, but I'll leave that for another walk. Can't decide which I like better? C&C always welcome.

Whiskey Still-18.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr

Whiskey Still-18-Edit.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
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Thanks @jcdeboever I'm torn between the two. This was the only "visible" piece of it, the top had been crushed flat, and was covered with debris. I really need to find the second site to see, what else might remain.
Thanks @jcdeboever I'm torn between the two. This was the only "visible" piece of it, the top had been crushed flat, and was covered with debris. I really need to find the second site to see, what else might remain.

Maybe there's enough remaining to get it fired up again. I'll vote for the B&W.

I prefer the color shot. Wow...the axe marks are very interesting! Do you suppose this was a still that was destroyed by the law, or by another rival bootlegger? or is there another, more jundane likely explanation?
@Derrel from what I undrstand there were only a few in our valley and business was good, so feuds were rare. Most of the state was dry well up into the late 80's. The last County to go wet was just last year. The law made random attempts to stop it, but as this is a close knit community they rarely if ever made any arrests.
I like the color best too.
Color for me too.
I like the color best too.

Color for me too.

I think the color version works the best. The B&W doesn't convey the sense of age. Just ordered a print of the color version so anxious to see how it looks.

Interesting side note, I spoke with two of my friends over the weekend about the still. One of them has an old site on his property, though there isn't anything left but bits and pieces of glass, steel and copper. Another admitted buying shine from an old man that used to live off the road behind our property 30 years ago. Very likely this was some of his equipment.

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