Ok throw my website some critique.

Haven't looked carefully, but one thing stood out:

On the "wedding pricing" page, the font is MUCH too big... tone it down to 12 or 14 pt.
yanno, I think the same thing. I had my father look at my site before posting this message and his cheif complaint was that he had trouble reading the font on the wedding and portrait pages....hmmmm
Not a bad start, I see you're using Joomla, and *not* the default skin, so kudos for that :)

Aside from that though, you're logo isn't bad, but it's a little choppy because of the lack of alpha transparency in the gif, I would either use a transparent png, or use the background it'll be placed on as the background of the image so essentially you're not using transparency anymore, but will still have the "transparent" effect.

The front page seems a little...empty, although I like the idea of the albums and they are set up nice, I would like to see more of your "About Us" page on your main page to fill up some of the emptiness. Honestly you could probably just remove the "About Us" page and use it as your main page and that would work too.

The Pricing pages should have a more uniform layout, just formatted text doesn't really go with the layout of your site, you should create some sort of layout for them both, and keep them looking similar (along with the rest of the site). And not all text has to be bold, it starts to lose it's effect when everything is bold, but that may just be personal preference.

On the size of text though, big text can work, but as I said you should work on formatting and a layout that helps it work, maybe shrink it a bit and have two columns, or unbold some of it, or keep it bold but shrink it more for example.

For "Proofs and Ordering", if it's gonna send me away from your site like that, I rather it open a new window so I can just close it if I really want to instead of having to go back, again, may be personal preference.

After that I really would just stress creating a uniform layout amongst all your pages, as right now the text size and general layout seem to differ among your pages. There is no "right" way to make everything magically work, but come up with a style (the title is right justified and h3/underlined, the text is left justified, 14px, etc) and continue it through all your pages.

All in all it's a good start and a good layout so kudos again :)
Glad I could be of assistance :D

Setting up filters for the website is definatly a chore. I have a list hundreds of domains long of sites I do not allow to advertise on my site.

If your not advertising for my local area I typically let it slide for the most part. Some who specifically mention they will travel to areas near my location get blocked, but catching every single site is nearly impossible.

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