old farm


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2006
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Central NY
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old farm buildings


ill have to give that a try
i moved the contrast level up in phototshop and the pics just got lighter. is that what you suggest i do? If not what do you suggest, if you have a chance can you edit one and show me how you did it?
thanks, i will try that
I really like these - old wood, bare trees - with or without the extra contrast they work for me :)
nice b&w's, i like your compositions too... did you have a chance to adjust the contrast yet? i'd be curious to see what you came up with...
i will play with it when i get home tonight. i really couldnt get a much different result without everything being too dark or too light. i dont know, guess it will take some time to fine tune it maybe.
I agree with them, you need to adjust the contrast. Try it also in sepia tone. I want to see it in sepia tone. Just curious to see what it comes out... Other than that, nice composition.

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i worked the contrast a little, but couldnt figure out sophia. let me know what you think.


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