Old lens-new camera


TPF Noob!
Oct 6, 2010
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Brick, N. J.
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I am looking to purchase a new digital SLR, but have a 600mm Sigma mirror lens
that I would like to use with it. Of course the lens had always been a
part of my film camera set up, and my camera bodies were Pentax and
Richo. The lens is a bayonet mount. Does anyone know of a digital camera that I can use this with? What I am most concerned with is
the clarity in the pictures that I'll be taking. If anyone can help shed
some light on this I sure would appreciate it.
For older lenses with newer Canon EOS cameras, this link has some information.
Well, that was somewhat informative, and I thank you, but I'm not interested in a Cannon. I would like to know if I could use this Sigma lens on a Pentax or Nikon digital? Woluld the pictures still came out as sharp?
If this is a Pentax K-mount, it will mount on a new Pentax digital body, however it will be fully manual (Not that that matters with a catadioptric lens). There may be a Pentax/Nikon adaptor but I'm not aware of one. As to sharpness... these lenses were never noted for their stellar optical quality. Their purpose was to give you long reach at a low price. I would guess it will be somewhere between decent and acceptable.
I am looking to purchase a new digital SLR, but have a 600mm Sigma mirror lens
that I would like to use with it. Of course the lens had always been a
part of my film camera set up, and my camera bodies were Pentax and
Richo. The lens is a bayonet mount. Does anyone know of a digital camera that I can use this with? What I am most concerned with is
the clarity in the pictures that I'll be taking. If anyone can help shed
some light on this I sure would appreciate it.

Hi Judie,

I think this might be the lens you're referring to:
Sigma 600mm F8 Mirror Telephoto Multicoated Lens Reviews - Pentax Third-Party Lens Review Database

If so, then yes, it will work with any new Pentax DSLR including the K-x, K-r, K-7, and K-5.

Though, I would recommend using it on the K-x, K-r, and K-5 only, due to their impeccable high-ISO capabilities, which you'll need with the max aperture of f/8 on this lens. A daytime-only lens for sure. The K-7 just won't be able to give you the usable ISO levels you'll need.

That being said, it will work ONLY in the fully manual sense of the word "work". It is a K mount. It's manual focus and manual aperture, thus the camera will not meter automatically, which leaves out P, Av, and TV modes (yes, there are work arounds, but too much detail for this post). To meter with this lens, you'll have to use the green button on the Pentax DSLR to "stop down" meter.

For more information on "Stop down metering" and other manual lenses on Pentax DSLR's:
Using Manual Lenses (M42 Screwmount, M , K) on Pentax DSLRs F-- - PentaxForums.com

For more information on the "Green Button" on Pentax DSLR's:
The Usage of Green Button - PentaxForums.com

PentaxForums.com is an excellent resource for looking up old glass and comparing lenses and finding out how to use them on new Pentax bodies.

Hope that helps.

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