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Ole Miss

Chris Fulton

TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2010
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Streator IL
Can others edit my Photos
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Took this in July 2010 in Wisconsin with an uncle of mine. It is open for C&C. My major complaint, and there was nothing I could do about it, is the leaves in the foreground. I only did an auto-levels in my edit software.

The technicals:
ISO 200
UV filter on lens

So, I guess, what does or does not work and why.


  • $IMG_1664b.webp
    178.1 KB · Views: 103
i think it's too hazy, try to reshoot another day, it's got potential



Might be a while before I can get that way again, but I will try and reshoot when I get that way. This may sound amateurish, but I sort of like it with the haze. But I also agree it would be better if it were clearer.
I think the haze would be okay if the foreground were more interesting. Is the bird and boat intentional? The bird ends up being dead center and is a challenge to the overall composition.
I think the haze would be okay if the foreground were more interesting. Is the bird and boat intentional? The bird ends up being dead center and is a challenge to the overall composition.

Neither were really intentional; they just happened in. I get what you are saying. It is, I guess, sort of an uneventful foreground. I was so, I guess, impressed by the background I didn't really look for a foreground, other than getting the river in there.

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