Olympus lens mount adapter!


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2024
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Hi everyone!!

I have a OM10 35mm film camera with a few different lenses, I just bought the OMD EM5 MK2 digital camera and the sales rep said i can buy a lens mount adapter to be able to use the film lenses on the digital!

Does anyone have any information on this as google isn’t really giving me much to work off!

Hi everyone!!

I have a OM10 35mm film camera with a few different lenses, I just bought the OMD EM5 MK2 digital camera and the sales rep said i can buy a lens mount adapter to be able to use the film lenses on the digital!

Does anyone have any information on this as google isn’t really giving me much to work off!

Look deeper. Key in the model+ adapter for Zuiko lens.
Is Zuiko the lenses for the film cameras? Sorry I’m a bit new to this
Like Nikon lenses are called Nikkor.
I've found K&F Concept adapters are just fine for the money:

Like Nikon lenses are called Nikkor.
I've found K&F Concept adapters are just fine for the money:

Ohhh okay I see! Thankyou!!!

Just call B&H and accurately identify your camera and your lens, and youll receive the correct adapter. Make it clear that your OM-10 is NOT the OM-D EM-10 ! Do mention that its the old 35mm film camera. Most such adapters cost roughly $25.

Notice the word "AUTO-W" on the OM film lens. It will NOT be automatic in adapted use, so the method of use will be much slower than with a native m4/3 lens. You can still employ AE by dialing up A or P mode but P mode will act like A mode. (Avoid the S mode.)
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