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One big Nikon Dilemma


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2008
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Bournemouth, Manchester, Athens, Liverpool
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Hi all, so i've been doing research and research but i still am not sure on what i want to do. Basically i have a big budget, one which mean i could buy a D4 brand new. The type of photography i'm into is very much PJ, Travel, bit of people photography, and even a bit of sports and wildlife. The question i want to ask though is, wether i should buy a new D4, a used D3, or a new D800... if i bought the latter i'd be able to get some more good glass and a few accessories, but even if i bought the D4 i'd be able to. Is there a massive difference between the D4 and D3? and as such i may be better going for the used D3 as it'll be cheaper. I do know that the d800 packs in 4 fps and i fear this might be too little for they type of PJ and travel photography i like to do, yet there is a massive 36MP it has, which would be amazing for travel etc. I currently have a D90 with a few lenses as can be seen in my signature, would these still be able to work swell on these 3 bodies as well?

But would the best bet for me be a new D4, a used D3 or a new D800?

i know there are a few similar questions, but i am really in a massive dilemma and would be extremely grateful for any feedback!

d4 no doubt.
D3 is a great camera but keeping the sensor clean is a bear.
The d4 is the single best dslr that Nikon has ever produced, hands down. If you can afford one, get it and don't look back.

If you're buying used, get a d3s, not a d3. It's better in low light by about a stop and is just slightly newer, better technology.
I wouldn't buy electronics on Ebay...
The d4 is the single best dslr that Nikon has ever produced, hands down. If you can afford one, get it and don't look back.

If you're buying used, get a d3s, not a d3. It's better in low light by about a stop and is just slightly newer, better technology.

and don't forget to get the 50 1.8 to put in front of it :lol:
Yup. Probably even then. But Best buy and Adorama sell used on their website, if that was the route I was going to go.

OP, does your big budget include some decent lenses? That usually adds up faster than the body.
Without coming off like a jerk why buy a Ferrari and drive 55?

If you are planning on producing pro images and don't care about the $ buy the D4
If you just want a capable body for personal use I can see no reason to buy more than a D300 (S) or the yet to be announced D400.

Again, if it was me, I'd buy the D4 regardless but ONLY because I always have to have the very best I can afford ;)
Without coming off like a jerk why buy a Ferrari and drive 55?

If you are planning on producing pro images and don't care about the $ buy the D4
If you just want a capable body for personal use I can see no reason to buy more than a D300 (S) or the yet to be announced D400.

Again, if it was me, I'd buy the D4 regardless but ONLY because I always have to have the very best I can afford ;)

D4 might not be better than D3

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