One of my latest attempt...


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Location: Martin's Head, New Brunswick, Canada

EXIF Data:
Canon EOS 50D
1/30 sec

Focal Length
Flash Used

Can you upload a larger photo? This small image is difficult to view.

It appears very grainy, OOF, and overexposed. The composition isn't interesting, either, unfortunately. Is it at the beach? Beside a highway? A marsh?
Can you upload a larger photo? This small image is difficult to view.

Seriously? The image is 1024 x 518 pixels... I don't like to post them too large... But I don't like to go too small either.

It appears very grainy, OOF, and overexposed. The composition isn't interesting, either, unfortunately. Is it at the beach? Beside a highway? A marsh?

Thank you. It is supposed to look grainy and over exposed, not to mention a bit OOF. So I guess I achieved my goal. :) Although I would have rather it were an older Jeep. But that's what drove by...

As for the composition... It was taken as the Jeep drove by me on the beach. So I didn't have as much control as I might have liked.
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What was your reasoning for using f/22?
What was your reasoning for using f/22?

Before I saw the "big picture" I intended to get a nice Landscape of an area I'd never been. But after seeing the shot on my LCD monitor... I decided I didn't like it. Mostly due to the overcast sky and lack of contrast I was seeing... So, I threw a sepia filter at it. De-focused it a bit and played with the levels a bit, until I found something I liked.
I get the idea - you want that washed out 'vintage' look. It certainly looks good. However, I will remove the border for sure! Also a little more sharpness would help. Just my 2 cents :)
I don't understand why you would want a hazy grainy out of focus photo shot at some ridiculous aperture.
But I guess that's why it's called "art."

I hope you get better, health-wise.
Stay strong, cancer is awful. :(
I get the idea - you want that washed out 'vintage' look. It certainly looks good. However, I will remove the border for sure! Also a little more sharpness would help. Just my 2 cents :)

Thank you... I put the border there out of habit... Good point.
I don't understand why you would want a hazy grainy out of focus photo shot at some ridiculous aperture.
But I guess that's why it's called "art."

I don't understand why I like it... I just do. :)

I hope you get better, health-wise.
Stay strong, cancer is awful. :(

Thank you. I agree. Cancer sucks. But, as I've said nearly all of my life... "**** Happens". All I can do is try to deal with what comes my way. And try to enjoy the parts of life that aren't ****ty. Excuse my language.
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Hey, Rider, that disturbs me, to know that... i think it is not that troublesome in your case :D

I wish I could say it is not that bad. But I can't. It's changed my whole life and how I deal with it... If you wan't to better understand... READ THIS LINK.
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