Orchids CC


TPF Noob!
Mar 25, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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Practicing off-camera flash

40" Lastolite with SB-600, located about 4' from subject
Camera about 6'-7' from subject.

When I set the white balance I did it without the flash - I assume this is why it is off.



BW just to see


Light post processing in LR4

Any and all help is much appreciated.

I'd process the background separately from the Orchids. During the B&W conversion I would crank up the blue/darken slider for greater separation/contrast between the Orchid and the background and then process the Orchid without having to worry about the background.


Thanks for the suggestion. Given my processing skills are less than poor and i just bought LR4, can you show me?

Holy tungsten WB Batman... correct that WB and the colour version will be much nicer. Agree with the advice for the monochrome.

I shot a WB using an expo disc. However I did this without the flash. So my assumption is this is why it is off is that correct? The only other light was an incandescent table lamp 15' away. Is it possible this light overpowered my flash or was it because the WB was set using only the table lamp?

I really do want to get as much right in the camera as I can.

A table lamp isn't going to overpower your flash. What happened was: You set your WB using the Expodisc which gave you a tungesten WB (~3500K) based on the available light, but as soon as you introduced your flash the whole equation changed because the flash light is significantly cooler (~5500K). I find that Nikon's auto-WB generally does a pretty good job; shoot in RAW, WB to 'Auto' and then fine tune to taste in post.
I will try again this evening and shot both in Auto Wb and also a custom WB set with the flash.

Will post the outcomes.

Thanks for the advise.

A beautiful image destroyed by a super dominating back ground..... why you chose such a deep blue, i am confused( don't take this in a bad sense)...nor i think this is the right image for black and white conversion; the story would have been entirely different if the background were black :D

Thanks for the comments - My goals were this; working with Off-Camera flash to which, I have no flash shadow, but my WB is completely off. The orchids are set just a few inches from the painting/background and I also wanted to work on depth of field. I wanted the flowers to look as if they had dimension or distance from the background, therefore a highly colored background with some texture allowed me to work on this.

So, as I am quite new at this, the picture was more of working on technique rather than creating an artistic image. I have learned some from this session regarding my basic knowledge and what is required for improvement.

I don't feel that I will be able to truely capture beauty until I can master the basic techniques of the equipment.

So, look at the picture as only a learning lesson for me and not an artistic venture.


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