

TPF Noob!
Aug 5, 2007
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I have spring fever, can you tell?!:mrgreen: C&C greatly appreciated!




#2 ~ This one is my favorite...it looks like a face to me!



I really like orchids too, very interesting plants - we have some phalaenopsis varieties as house plants and they seem to thrive on neglect. I have to say that these photos are a little too small to really appreciate them properly, but I like number 2 best as well - the out of focus part at the top is great - is it the sepal?

I resized...hopefully that's better! I just got a new monitor and it's much bigger so I don't really know how big is too big for some people! = )

I don't know my flower parts, sorry! But I think it looks like a hat of some sort on a funny face!
Bumping for c&c...:blushing:
I love these! I can almost see like, human characteristics within these flowers. Like in the second one, the two water droplets are eyes, and the horizontal pale purple thing is a mustache. Maybe I'm just high. Regardless, I love these shots.

P.S. I'm not high.
Thanks! I totally see a funny little frenchman or something in #2...no offense to anyone who's french!:mrgreen:
The last one, which is the only one I could conceive of as having any noise, is the highest ISO...at 400, they were all shot in RAW. Look sharp as a tack where I have the focus to me?? I appreciate all c&c but I'm just not seeing it. ;)

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