I'm not a big fan of selective coloring, but it seemed to work well here to separate the subject from the background. I don't know if it was a focus problem or something else, but several of these seem rather soft. You might want to try a sharpening filter.
Since you posted OTE, I thought I would give you some ideas.
I cropped both for the sake of balance and removing empty background. I sharpened both, and also removed yellow (added blue) with color balance. For the table I did +65 blue, since it was pretty far off and I wanted to get the white very white. For bride I only added +16, since I didn't want her skin to look too cold. It probably could use a little more. I could selectively keep her skin warm, but I think this works, as it keeps the feel of sunshine and goes well witht the flowers. For the bride, I also adjusted the brightness and contrast slightly with the curves tool. For the table, I used the levels tool to bring the white point down and brighten up the image a little.
For this one, I rotated to fix the tilt, cropped, sharpened, brightened with cruves, and adjusted color by adding +20 blue. I'd like to remove the white decorations at the right, but that would require spending some time with the clone tool.