Out and about in London


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 1, 2010
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Am on my way to the Lake District, some from London where I popped in on a friend of mine and got my D800's sensor cleaned in Fixation in Vauxhall:

Pentax 645D DA 25mm f/8 1/8 ISO 800 (handheld)

Paddington-underground by singingsnapper, on Flickr

converted in Silver efex pro 2

BW-Paddington-Underground by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Some taken with camera on a tripod. I have fused 7 shots in Photomatix on this first one - it does look very busy, but then at 4.45pm The City is very busy

f/13 ISO 100

Chancery-Lane by singingsnapper, on Flickr

The second one I fused 3 shots from that set

Chancery-Lane-Evening by singingsnapper, on Flickr
I like :thumbup:
I like the third one because of the intersecting perspective.
The third one is my favorite. I am intrigued on time elapse shot. To bad i live in the boonies right now so no sweet car time elapse shots for me
The blurred color version of the Underground train works but a more neutral background would be best.
Excellent. Based on the background the train station (first image) would have been much better without the speeding train in the shot. Third one down is the best one. Great shot!

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