Paintball World Series (HB)


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2007
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Orange County,California
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Just curious if there is any Southern California people (or non socal people i guess) that are going to be attending the NPPL World Series and huntington beach this weekend. Its a pretty big event if you have never heard of it. I'm going for sure this weekend. You should check it out if you get the chance, its pretty entertaining. Ill post some pictures after this weekend.
I have some old pictures from the san diego location, took a train down there to watch it, but i don't think i ever posted them. i should look for them.
Yeah Im going, I live only like 10 min down PCH, kinda cool to see all these paintballers on tpf. :-P
I even went yesterday when they were still setting up/teams were walking the fields.
Add another one to the "paintballers on tpf"..

Looking forward to the posts!!!
Any of you go on PBN too?

used to be. This is the only forum i have stuck with, all the other ones are just filled with people flaming others. Really gets old.

But ya i used to paintball all the time, i got really in to playing pump. But then my field closed down (splat factory) and i stopped playing because i realized i had no money. My friend is going to be playing in the osc pump tourny, so im pretty stoked to see that on sunday.
Ahhh I remember splat factory, slipping on its paint soaked turf and with all teh dirty bunkers. :lol: Good times. Yeah I havent been playing as much as I used to, used to go every week, I wanna start playing a lot again though. And yeah pbn is kinda meh, but I still go on it.

Went to HB today, was ok, I didnt stay very long.
Ahhh I remember splat factory, slipping on its paint soaked turf and with all teh dirty bunkers. :lol: Good times. Yeah I havent been playing as much as I used to, used to go every week, I wanna start playing a lot again though. And yeah pbn is kinda meh, but I still go on it.

Went to HB today, was ok, I didnt stay very long.

Haha i really miss those days, the 30 ft chest slides past the bunker you were aiming for. Im not used to any other turf though, i played at sc village a couple months ago, was my first time back since splat closed and i just couldnt get used to their turf.
Lol gotta love those slides. And yes, sc has really really REALLY gone downhill.
I know its a shame, i used to love that place. Of course that was when i used to love rec games too.
noob783, are you obey on pbn?

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