Panasonic Maintains Micro Four-Thirds Support with Lumix DC-GH5 II and Up-Coming DC-GH6 Cameras and New Short Tele Zoom


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[2021-05-26 14:11 Corrected Title: The coverage of a 25-50mm Micro 4:3 lens is not "wide to normal", it is "normal to short-tele". I corrected this in the comment before I posted the topic, but I forgot to change the title.]

Panasonic has demonstrated its commitment to the "Micro Four-Thirds" camera systems by announcing its new "Lumix DC-GH5 II" camera body which will be available in July with an MSRP of $1699 US, an up-coming new top-line body to be called the DC-GH6, before the end of this year at around $2,500 US, and a new standard to short telephoto zoom (25-50mm F1.7) with price and availability not specified.

Not surprisingly, the "GH5 II" is enhanced primarily in its video capabilities, and realistically, that will be the market for the GH6 as well.

"Panasonic lowers price and boosts spec for Lumix DC-GH5 II"
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"Panasonic lowers price and boosts spec for Lumix DC-GH5 II"

"Panasonic announces development of Lumix DC-GH6"
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"Panasonic announces development of Lumix DC-GH6"

"Panasonic Leica DG 25-50mm F1.7 on the way for Micro Four Thirds",
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"Panasonic Leica DG 25-50mm F1.7 on the way for Micro Four Thirds"
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