Park Vignette


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
Can others edit my Photos
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Out today to run an errand with my wife and we stopped in the park for a rest. I thought this scene was attractive especially with the bridge recently painted so I grabbed a snap with my trusty Canon G7.

Peaceful scene, assisted by the lack of human inclusion imo. Nice.
Nice shot!
Thanks, it was actually very difficult lighting and required squeezing every last little bit of DR out of my compact G7 along with some fancy post processing. Here's the JPEG the camera made.

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Very nice Joe,

you've done a fantastic job on the highlight and shadow recovery, great job on the leading lines of the path, but i'd have loved to see the far end of the bridge. I can see the composition is deliberate and well thought out on the left, but personally I feel it takes my eye out of the frame on the right without the opposite bollard.
Very nice Joe,

you've done a fantastic job on the highlight and shadow recovery, great job on the leading lines of the path, but i'd have loved to see the far end of the bridge. I can see the composition is deliberate and well thought out on the left, but personally I feel it takes my eye out of the frame on the right without the opposite bollard.
Thanks for the compliment.

Your comment about the bridge puzzles me as the entire bridge is in the photo -- all four bollards are visible.

I know it's common terminology to talk about highlight and shadow recovery but it's always left me scratching my head. The word recover means to lose something and then regain it like recovering from an illness -- your health is lost and when you get better you recover your health. I recognized the lighting condition and deliberately set an exposure that would record the highlights and shadows to the max capacity of the sensor. So in my thinking I made sure to record those highlights and shadows and when I processed the photo they were exactly where I had put them -- I never did lose them.

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