Perfect lighting on Great Egret


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Oct 26, 2024
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While waiting on some osprey photo ops @ Anastasia State Park, this guy flew into a tree beside me, so I switched gears...this photo is just cropped and SOOC...The lighting was just perfect, I had plenty of time to set to base ISO, snap a few, check for blinkies, adjust, then start firing away as he preened those beautiful white feathers...if only every photo of went like this

The feather detail amazed me...being a bright white bird in full daylight.

F/9 250.0mm 1/800s ISO-100


Side question: Since I'm new here to this forum, should I be using the photo icon at the top of the screen, or the "attach files" at the bottom of the screen?....which one allows for viewing the largest version of the photo?
Still trying to figure out this forum, they're all a little different, that's for sure!
This forum has all different sorts, from sub-rank amateurs like me to professionals who turn out some amazing images... but don't share their exif information, so we don't know "how they did it" and don't learn. You have some wonderful images.
This forum has all different sorts, from sub-rank amateurs like me to professionals who turn out some amazing images... but don't share their exif information, so we don't know "how they did it" and don't learn. You have some wonderful images.
I do like how the EXIF info is below the pic...and yes, I agree 100%...that's how I learn as well...on other forums, I would ask for their setting and sometimes even how the post-processed it...I don't really think we have anything to hide...sharing stuff like that is helps everyone!
This forum has all different sorts, from sub-rank amateurs like me to professionals who turn out some amazing images... but don't share their exif information, so we don't know "how they did it" and don't learn. You have some wonderful images.
I dont even have a clue how to put the EXIF under my pics, is it a setting in the camera?

While waiting on some osprey photo ops @ Anastasia State Park, this guy flew into a tree beside me, so I switched gears...this photo is just cropped and SOOC...The lighting was just perfect, I had plenty of time to set to base ISO, snap a few, check for blinkies, adjust, then start firing away as he preened those beautiful white feathers...if only every photo of went like this

The feather detail amazed me...being a bright white bird in full daylight.

F/9 250.0mm 1/800s ISO-100

View attachment 281735

Side question: Since I'm new here to this forum, should I be using the photo icon at the top of the screen, or the "attach files" at the bottom of the screen?....which one allows for viewing the largest version of the photo?

Those dam blue skys & there dam dust spots🤣... nice capture on the Egret.
Those dam blue skys & there dam dust spots🤣... nice capture on the Egret.

There was only one, and when I did more post-processing to print it for the wall, I took care of it...💪😎👍
Beautiful portrait. Nice job on the whites! White feathers are incredibly hard to expose for, especially if you have a dark background. All our egrets around here are usually standing in the mud or dark water.
I do like how the EXIF info is below the pic...and yes, I agree 100%...that's how I learn as well...on other forums, I would ask for their setting and sometimes even how the post-processed it...I don't really think we have anything to hide...sharing stuff like that is helps everyone!
Mine is available by either asking or clicking on the image and seeing the information on Flickr.
While waiting on some osprey photo ops @ Anastasia State Park, this guy flew into a tree beside me, so I switched gears...this photo is just cropped and SOOC...The lighting was just perfect, I had plenty of time to set to base ISO, snap a few, check for blinkies, adjust, then start firing away as he preened those beautiful white feathers...if only every photo of went like this

The feather detail amazed me...being a bright white bird in full daylight.

F/9 250.0mm 1/800s ISO-100

View attachment 281735

Side question: Since I'm new here to this forum, should I be using the photo icon at the top of the screen, or the "attach files" at the bottom of the screen?....which one allows for viewing the largest version of the photo?

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