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Philosophy of Creativity

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In your instance i believe it makes sense, but to some, creativity will not be defined as this type of "auto-pilot" you let your body fall into. I am sure you do this some times as well, but you will see a scene from a technical aspect, and think of ways to manipulate this technical or normal view and come up with an original, or more creative way to shoot it. Which like you stated, is not doing it by the numbers but at the same time, you keep in mind your basic knowledge.

Since you showed the difference, i will agree completely that a true understanding of the knowledge you hold helps a lot when it comes it working on the more creative side of any art form. Without an understanding of what you learned, you have to agree you can not apply it to anything outside of the form you learned it in.

In math, we can all learn that 2+1 = 3, but without the understanding of addition how can we apply that knowledge to 3+1?

And you stated that in order to be creative you must have this understanding of the original knowledge, be it conscious or sub-conscious.

so therefore, going back to your original question, wouldn't one have to both withhold the understanding of the basics or the "numbers", and let it "all hang out" in order to be creative and do something outside of the norm?

--off topic--
I am taking a phil. class on proper arguing and todays chapter was about organizing the argument.. Found it kind of neat that i could put it into play at that last bit :-) hopefully i understood what i read and got it right
In your instance i believe it makes sense, but to some, creativity will not be defined as this type of "auto-pilot" you let your body fall into. I am sure you do this some times as well, but you will see a scene from a technical aspect, and think of ways to manipulate this technical or normal view and come up with an original, or more creative way to shoot it. Which like you stated, is not doing it by the numbers but at the same time, you keep in mind your basic knowledge.

Since you showed the difference, i will agree completely that a true understanding of the knowledge you hold helps a lot when it comes it working on the more creative side of any art form. Without an understanding of what you learned, you have to agree you can not apply it to anything outside of the form you learned it in.

In math, we can all learn that 2+1 = 3, but without the understanding of addition how can we apply that knowledge to 3+1?

And you stated that in order to be creative you must have this understanding of the original knowledge, be it conscious or sub-conscious.

so therefore, going back to your original question, wouldn't one have to both withhold the understanding of the basics or the "numbers", and let it "all hang out" in order to be creative and do something outside of the norm?

--off topic--
I am taking a phil. class on proper arguing and todays chapter was about organizing the argument.. Found it kind of neat that i could put it into play at that last bit :-) hopefully i understood what i read and got it right

You need to have absolutely zero understanding of ANYTHING to be creative.

Some of the most creative people on the planet are 3 year olds. Perhaps they are not very good at expressing their creativity artistically due to a lack of fine motor skills and training (and the fact that their thumbs are sore from sucking them) but the certainly are quite creative.

Creativity is something we are born with, it is elemental... it exists within the human animal when we are born, and it flows from us throughout life without thought or reason... some more than others.
Cerebral thread. I learned the numbers and the rules upside down and backwards. This allowed me creative freedom. Creativity is the same journey for everyone. Learn the medium then create. Wether you are any good is personally up to you. Mostly depends on how much time and thought you put behind the lens. Also takes a strong knowledge of self.

Love and Bass
You need to have absolutely zero understanding of ANYTHING to be creative.

Some of the most creative people on the planet are 3 year olds. Perhaps they are not very good at expressing their creativity artistically due to a lack of fine motor skills and training (and the fact that their thumbs are sore from sucking them) but the certainly are quite creative.

Creativity is something we are born with, it is elemental... it exists within the human animal when we are born, and it flows from us throughout life without thought or reason... some more than others.

Ahem... well, how does said 3 year old differ, from an adult? Might the creativity, of which you speak, be the product of that (those) differences?

A 3 year old has yet to receive the colossal beating the world is bound to apply to him/her, in order to convert him/her into a "useful member of society." A 3 year old has yet to learn that he/she is nothing and the hierarchy is all, that everything is external, that nobody cares what he/she thinks, that you have to do unto others before they do, unto you, that logic is God and, most importantly, that money talks and bs walks.

Lacking the things of adulthood, the 3 year old is more in touch with something else. That something else is SELF. The self that was, long before the creature and shall be, eternally. That something else, which I will call spirit, is the part of every person that refuses consideration with the finite thinking, that is all we have.

Just what is it about children - the younger the more - that causes everyone to gather around them? Some might say its instinctive behavior, like breeding itself; designed into us so that the race can continue. I'm sure that is part of it, but all? I think not.

It would seem to me that the "natural" creativity of which you spoke is one way of describing the issue, here; another being how people find being around children pleasant/desirable. There is something refreshing... and it almost seems to rub off, onto we sad adults...

This... tenuous and undefinable (via finite thought) THING... whatever it is, just might be manifested as beauty, as well, in a photo... more or less anywhere. We all understand that if you take the same thing and put it in different surroundings/contexts, it will look a little different.


If you want/need to make cold, carbon steel; if your goal is to operate a camera or any other thing rooted in the physical, and therefore the finite, logic rules.

If, OTOH, your goal is to create beauty, know, here and now, that logic will fail you, miserably. The rules of beauty defy description because description is done, via logic. People try anyway, of course. But how is it that I have seen image after booring image which follows all the rules but leaves me cold, and restless?

It might be that creative people are those that failed to get the child beaten out of them, as they grew...

Anyway, it would seem that this process (bad choice of words) in which we all participate is a duality, requiring components of the physical/logical realm and from the netherworld, which none understand.

However, I believe all duality is illusion, caused by my inability to combine what seems to be water, and oil. I am still getting that lesson, myself, and it looks like a long course so don't expect me to present it here!
Ahem... well, how does said 3 year old differ, from an adult? Might the creativity, of which you speak, be the product of that (those) differences?


My point was that EVEN a three year old has a great deal of creativity. It isn't learned behavior, it comes from within. I was not projecting it on any further, IMHO there is no need to... because it makes no more sense to me to do so that to talk about a philosophy of anger, or hunger, or any other basic part of the core human being... in fact, it makes a lot LESS sense to talk about it.

I can certainly see looking into how to help people tap into their creative core, or seeing how to develop tools that will make that creative core more perfectly expressed, but I think it is as much of a person nature of a person as their hat size. It is what it is.
The three year old, like all of us, has the inherent creativity (the urge to innovate) that led humanity to build cities and continue to pursue technology. That urge to shape our environment -the defining act of humanity- is inherent in all people. The tools, the means, the maturity of creativity can change but it nevers increases, decreases, changes. Logic is fundamental as it shapes creativity and guides it. Like the mind must guide the mody.

So the arguement is why does creativity seem to change, be different between people even though when we're young we all seem to be on the same level? I believe that the 'creative' trait of people is limited because of the expanse of tools that exist -don't use that (which you thought of) use this (the standard) mentality. So, logically, mostly we agree that the standard is more effective -more effecient.

As people, there is too much to be an expert of everything. So we specialize to survive. The community -an evolutionary part of humanity- is built around understanding that specialization is a strength.

Creativity then gets funneled into something. Be it art, tools, skills, some sort of personal innovation. There are no people who lack creativity they have just reached the arguement that they cannot innovate, cannot change their environment- then become less human?
Witness, if you will, how those poor, poor men that died while destroying the WTC actually believed what they did was good and so right that they actually gave up their lives, to get it done.

WTF? I can't believe I wasted part of my life reading that BS. Thanks for nothing.
I came into this thread expecting something different...

Then again, how could I have expected this? HAHA. You guys are confusing me. Everything is perceptive, end of discussion.
No, dude. Your PERCEPTION of my post is that it is an add... That perception is lacking, in the extreme. If I was to take my time to place adds I seriously doubt I would do it here, where everybody takes their own pics.

Simple reasoning - you might try it, sometime, before insulting me (or anyone else) and (potentially) making an enemy, in the process.

The most common error, here or anywhere, is to assume that others are like yourself. We are not. Your accusation speaks of your perception, which certainly is based on the assumption that I am like you because you lack any knowledge of me, whatsoever.

Likewise, your choice to take offense at my description of those poor, poor men. Those men were filled with hatred. Those men lacked the courage to apply their version of what is right and what is wrong as liberally to themselves as they do to others, or preferably more so.
Those men were herd animals, experiencing the horror I call "us and them" thinking, so that they can learn to do better. They were poor, indeed!

Is your choice to take offense not based in the mentality, of the herd? I think it is.

You and I can not communicate. We share nothing.

A wise man makes few enemies. I do not want to make one, of you. Ignore my posts, please. What they contain will not make sense to you until you have lived several, if not many more lifetimes. You are not a bad person. You are where you need to be, doing what you need to do.

God speed.

WTF? I can't believe I wasted part of my life reading that BS. Thanks for nothing.

It is/was nothing because you are not ready for it. When you mature to a point here you are able to step (mentally) outside your self; to adopt the thinking of another person, it will become something and, I submit, something well worth considering... as in understanding why it happened is the first step into assuring it does not happen, again.

But even the government has not done that. Brute force is all they know. They rule by crisis management - reacting to the symptoms, while ignoring the problems...

However, for those at the more rudimentary levels (to say the least!) I will state that I certainly do not condone what was done. I can't believe I have to say that...
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