Photo printer gift Recommendations


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Jul 10, 2014
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I was thinking of buying a good quality photo printer for my brothers family. They have a 7 month old and they take allot of photos using there phones.

I was looking at something that would print at least to a 6x4 size for catalogue purposes, if I could manage to get one that does 5x7 also great.

So here is what I know: both parents have iphones, a 6 and a 7.
Budget: $180 mark. I would like to be able to get a printer and some paper refills etc for this but the printer is more important. I dont want to get something big as he already has a large all in device in the office which could probably do want this new one will.

I have been looking at reviews but its hard to pick as there are hidden costs and different sites give different specs. There must be other brands but I keep being directed to these.

The canon seems good but the biggest size is 4x6 and the quality according to review is a little disappointing plus the connectivity methods are clunky.

The epson is over budget but its has the 5x7.

If all theses are a waste of money please let me know
How about a $700 printer for $50 (after rebate)? Up front cost is $250 plus about $65 shipping (big and heavy as heck), and Canon sends you a $200 rebate card.

I bought this deal one year ago and it cost me a staggering $165 (after rebate).

You might be too late to grab the deal, I don't know.

Anyway, here is a video introduction. You have to do exactly as he says.

Of course, you could get one for yourself as well!
While waaay out of the $180USD budget range, Canon offers (and some other Mfgrs too!) a new line of Tank printers, which basically while expensive, pay for themselves over the years, because you no longer have to buy stupid printer cartridges over and over and over at $20-$50 a pop! Instead, they use refillable Ink "tanks" basically repositories, and the ink comes in bottles! They have a hefty price tag at $300-$700 (yeah, I know, I did say hefty!), BUT, remember, you aren't buying ink every month or three months nor are you replacing your printer annually to every 2 yrs! So, it evens out in the end..Just a thought..the Series is the "MegaTank" line, and Epson has an "EcoTank" line.

Ok, now to address printers more in-line with your actual budget..[emoji6]

Canon has a Pixma TS9020 (9600x2400) Wireless that was released around this time Dec 2016, last year...It has fairly good ratings in the 4+ Stars of 5 Star Ranking, AND, I've seen it online for a cost anywhere from $40-$200+, so just shop frugally. Canon's site has it listed at $79 (+ a 3yr additional Warranty add of +40), and Best Buy at prices ranging from: $62.99 to $199, with cartridges at: $70.99 - 5/Pak, and $24.99 Black Only, $48.99 Blk/Cyan/Yellow/Magenta Pak..(see, those Tank Printers are looking good right about now, right??)

Fyi, Best Buy has a TS-6120 (1200x4800) for $99, never understood their pricing *sheesh* less quality yet higher price [emoji849]..

As far as smaller, just focused on photo printing options, there are Three:
• The Canon Selphy Amazon has for CP1300 $99 (300x300dpi) and the CP1200 for $179 up to (300x300dpi)
Best Buy at CP1200=$99
• The Epson Picture Mate Model PM-400 (5760x1440dpi) <==BEST OF THEM!! As the dpi as you know, will ultimately determine the photo quality
$199 to $249, 4.6 Stars of 5 by 47 Reviewers
• HP Sprocket = $129/Best Buy/(313x400dpi) & 4.6Stars out of 5 by 948 Reviewers
NOTE: Epson is a decent brand printer, I'd stay away from anything Lexmark they tend IMHO to poop out after a few mths to a year if you're lucky..Brother is good but they can sometimes have issues, at the moment, I'd stick to Canon, and Epson both good consistent quality brands that tend to stick behind their products, and HP maybe, only because HP's Asian owners went thru a Corp revamp and vendor shuffle not so long ago so not sure of their quality long-term until I see the new Mgmt hasn't muffed stuff up..and for me, what I said goes for all HP from printers to pc's..again, all just MHO..(lastly, I know most of the above because as recently as earlier this last week I was shopping for a printer myself & eyeballing the Tank style printers..*chuckles* But, someone went and bought me a printer for X-mas, and made all my research a moot point..*laughs* Not even sure what I'm getting...but, I do not turn away 'Free'..*laughs* so will deal with whatever it is..hope the above helps!!)

Best of Luck to you & yours and I wish you all a Safe, Healthy, and Happy 2017 Holiday Season!...

May you find that your Golden Hour is every Hour of Your Life!..*smiles*
I have gone off the idea mow figure if you spend 180 on actual prints from a service online or whereever you would get much better resulsts
Canon Selphy is not an inkjet but dye sub, and I thought it's suitable for family use, however the quality is just okay... after all it's $99 printer. I was told some photographers are using kind of professional digital photo printer (print method is same with Canon Selphy) but it's much way out of your budget. You can find lot of them on B&H and Adorama.
I'm sure at this point a printer has already been purchased but something to keep in mind is the cost of ink. Depending on your needs some printers have more ink cartridges than others some are CMYK and some have extra colors. Also be careful not to get a good deal on a printer that is being phased out for a newer model, this creates a problem finding ink later down the road.

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