Yes, it is green, you did one with her on the street, no? And she was green there, but it was what you were going for, no? If not it was someone else. She's gorgeous, but I'd love to see her in normal colors.
I really just like this. I hardly notice that you've cut off her knee (I'm guessing for the sake of saving the flag). You don't really care that her eyes are so dark because they're still piercing. I wish her hair had more detail, though. With the messy/sexy look, I am left wanting to see less of the softened look in her hair and more of the strands' detail. This is all nit picky stuff, but I really do think it's a great image. I wish ta hell I looked like that, lol.
I think the image you just posted is the same as the first? Pulled up in photoshop and they look identical.