Photo Shop Disaster or Not?


TPF Noob!
Oct 21, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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Was mucking about with this shot. Cloned out that ugly tree which was hanging right over the shot and replaced the sky. What do you think? Disaster or not.


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I dont think what you did improve the photo. If you really want to improve the photo, clone out all the cars and the light pole in the middle. It can be done. I know I can. But does this photograph deserve all this attention with photoshop? I am not sure.
Then I would just leave it as is and just do color adjustment. Why replace the sky?
That tree is very beautiful; at the same time your sky modification is also excellent; so why
can't you retain the tree and modify the remaining part of the sky???

PS: you justified the cars; but curses the tree... that was not fair ;)

Regards :)
I felt the tree over powered the picture of the beautiful building Frequency. That's why I did a bit of digital gardening. If you look at that tree it looks like a tree monster. A big claw on it's side, and it's mishapen head lokking for its prey....ha ha I have an imagination

Schwettylens I replaced the sky because it was boring. Adding the cloudy sky adds a little to the image. But it is all subjective.
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I think it's a big improvement.

Now time to rubber stamp out all those cars.
I like the improvements. I may have left a little more tree... but I couldn't do any of those things so I don't know how easy/hard it is to do.
personally I would adjust it with perspective control so the building doesnt look like its skewed. but thats me.
personally I would adjust it with perspective control so the building doesnt look like its skewed. but thats me.

I have fixed that in further edits. But I agree the image above is skewed a bit. But the way you put that I am not sure whether you were trolling me or offering a suggestion? But that's just me.:confused:
The tree is easier to take care of if you correct the distortion. A clear sky like that is nice to work with. Essentially you replaced one problem with another by replacing the sky, which the new sky has some problems. Cars are not an issue.

Here's a quick edit (albeit I lost the top of the building.)

It's all good practice.

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