I used a different program to resize a photo that I was having problems with. Both pictures are posted below. #1 was resized using Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9, #2 was done with Paint Shop Pro 8, the one I've been using.
The real problem is that I don't have a good grasp of pixels, dpi, compression, etc, how they relate to each other, or anything else. I've done a lot of printing, but never posted on the net before, so this wasn't a problem. I need a quantum leap in my understanding of this stuff, but it only comes a little here a little there.
Since I've been hanging around here, for the past month or so, I've learned a few things, but more importantly I've learned about things I didn't know, I didn't know. I got my first camera about 40 yrs ago so I know my way around a camera, but I'm new to digital. I love the PP, and generally everything about it.
Thanks all, ron