Photographed my car -dialup warning


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2007
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I like this photo, however the sky is a little over exposed, what would have been the best method to compensate for that in this photo?

The image came out a little softer than I had hoped, I'm a big fan of sharpness... I normally will make corrections to the focus manually at times, but in low light it can be difficult to tell accurately... and the 18-70mm Nikkor likes to hunt at low light sometimes.
Its an alright picture, but I think it would have turned out better if you would have included all of the car. And cool car by the way
you can always take a step ladder with you and shoot down, to completely wipe out the horizon and sky. . . or bring lights to match the ev of the car with the sky.
you can always take a step ladder with you and shoot down, to completely wipe out the horizon and sky. . . or bring lights to match the ev of the car with the sky.

It better be one heck of a collapsing ladder to fit in a vette, lol :) I've never thought of that, I think I'll do it.
You could try taking your exposure reading off of the sky instead of the car. Also you should try to decrease your DOF, the background is a little distracting. I don't mind that the whole car is not in the shot but it might look better with it all in there.
Use a tri-pod, shoot the same shot at different exposures, and then combine them. There's various ways of combining shots.

Also, be careful regarding your hyperfocal distance. If you're close to the car, shooting its side and are using a wide aperture (f/2.8 for instance), you might end up with part of it in focus, and part of it out of focus. In that case you want to stop down one stop and try f/4. See if your car is in focus and your background is sufficiently soft for you to achieve the visual isolation you're after.

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