photoshop background?


TPF Noob!
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I was asked to take a picture for a banner for my sons baseball team. It was raining that day so the coach wanted to take it inside... afterwards he asked if I was able to photoshop a background...some kind of baseball field or something. Is this possible, and if so what program would be used?
It's certainly possible, Photoshop will work very well for this. Search YouTube for tutorials on "compositing".
you can post the photo and some people in the photoshop section may be willing to take a stab or at least tell you whether or not its worth the efforts to try to or not. it may be difficult to make it look remotely realistic is the biggest problem i would imagine.
I was asked to take a picture for a banner for my sons baseball team. It was raining that day so the coach wanted to take it inside... afterwards he asked if I was able to photoshop a background...some kind of baseball field or something. Is this possible, and if so what program would be used?

What program would be used?
Umm you have already mentioned the program. Once in the title of the post and once in the body of the post.

How good the composite will look depends on how well the lighting in the photograph matches the lighting in the background you use.
I realize photoshop would be the best option, but I currently don't have access to photoshop and before I went out and spent the money on it, I wanted to make sure it was something that could be done. Or if i should just plan a time to retake the picture outside..
I realize photoshop would be the best option, but I currently don't have access to photoshop and before I went out and spent the money on it, I wanted to make sure it was something that could be done.

It could be done... If the background lighting matches the subject lighting, and if you're a beast at Photoshop!
I not sure if it was just me or not but it looks as if half the team are double amputees, so I checked out some bubble gum trading cards. The front row would look a lot better if they used the one knee pose. Google 'baseball team photos'.
Here's an edit.


  • $baseball team copy.jpg
    $baseball team copy.jpg
    149.4 KB · Views: 151
The coach had them all set up, and I had about 1 minute to take the picture before they had to leave. I realized after....I shouldve used the flash. I was bent against taking them indoors in the first place...
I need it pefect for a large banner to hang on the fence at all of our tournaments...Willing to pay someone to Photoshop it for me!

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